The Board class represents the state of a chess game. It provides functionalities to manipulate the board, execute moves, and query the game state. This class is essential for handling game logic, including move generation, and checking game-ending conditions like checkmate or stalemate.
Moves can be made using the makeMove
function, which takes a Move
object as an argument and also taken back using the unmakeMove
function. The makeNullMove
and unmakeNullMove
functions are used to make and unmake null moves, respectively.
Commonly a chess board is represented by a FEN string, but it can also be represented by a PackedBoard. A PackedBoard only uses 24 bytes to represent the board, which is more memory-efficient than a FEN string. The Compact
class provides functions to convert a Board object to a PackedBoard and vice versa.
The PackedBoard is not human-readable, and it is recommended to use the FEN string for debugging purposes.
Also checkout GameResultReason and GameResult enums.
If you need to undo a move you must pass the same move object that was used to make the move.
using PackedBoard = std::array<std::uint8_t, 24>;
class Board {
Board::Board(std::string_view fen)
void setFen(std::string_view fen);
std::string getFen(bool moveCounters = true);
/// @brief Make a move on the board. The move must be legal otherwise the
/// behavior is undefined. EXACT can be set to true to only record
/// the enpassant square if the enemy can legally capture the pawn on their
/// next move.
/// @param move
/// @tparam EXACT
/// @return
void makeMove(const Move move);
void unmakeMove(const Move move);
void makeNullMove();
void unmakeNullMove();
Bitboard us(Color color);
Bitboard them(Color color);
/// @brief recalculate all bitboards
/// @return
Bitboard all();
/// @brief more efficient version of all(), which is incremental
/// @return
Bitboard occ();
Square kingSq(Color color);
Bitboard pieces(PieceType type, Color color);
Bitboard pieces(PieceType type);
/// @brief Checks if a move is a capture, enpassant moves are also considered captures.
/// @param move
/// @return
bool isCapture(const Move move);
/// @brief Returns either the piece or the piece type on a square
/// @tparam T
/// @param sq
/// @return
template <typename T = Piece>
T at(Square sq);
Color color(Piece piece);
U64 hash();
Color sideToMove();
Square enpassantSq();
CastlingRights castlingRights();
int halfMoveClock();
int fullMoveNumber();
void set960(bool is960);
bool chess960();
std::string getCastleString();
* @brief Checks if the current position is a repetition, set this to 1 if
* you are writing a chess engine.
* @param count
* @return
bool isRepetition(int count = 2);
* @brief Checks if the current position is a draw by 50 move rule.
* Keep in mind that by the rules of chess, if the position has 50 half
* moves it's not necessarily a draw, since checkmate has higher priority,
* call getHalfMoveDrawType,
* to determine whether the position is a draw or checkmate.
* @return
bool isHalfMoveDraw();
* @brief Only call this function if isHalfMoveDraw() returns true.
* @return
std::pair<GameResultReason, GameResult> getHalfMoveDrawType();
* @brief Basic check if the current position is a draw by insufficient material.
* @return
bool isInsufficientMaterial();
* @brief Checks if the game is over. Returns GameResultReason::NONE if the game is not over.
* This function calculates all legal moves for the current position to check if the game is over.
* If you are writing a chess engine you should not use this function.
* @return
std::pair<GameResultReason, GameResult> isGameOver();
/// @brief Checks if the square is attackeqd by the color.
bool isAttacked(Square square, Color color);
/// @brief Check if the current position is in check.
bool inCheck();
/// @brief Check if the color has any non pawn material left.
bool hasNonPawnMaterial(Color color);
/// @brief Recalculates the zobrist hash and return it.
/// If you want get the zobrist hash use hash().
U64 zobrist();
class Compact {
/// @brief Compresses the board into a PackedBoard
static PackedBoard encode(const Board &board);
/// @brief Creates a Board object from a PackedBoard
/// @param compressed
/// @param chess960 If the board is a chess960 position, set this to true
static Board decode(const PackedBoard &compressed, bool chess960 = false);